Cow & Scriptures


Cows are the path to heaven, they are worshipable even in heaven. Cows grant a desirable objects, therefore there is nothing superior to the cows

Oh Bharata, a person devoted to cows attains whatever he desires. Women also who aredevoted to cows get their wish fulfilled. A person desiring son gets a son, one desiringdaughter gets daughter, one desiring wealth gets wealth, one desiring religion attains religion, a student gets education and one desiring happiness gets happiness. There is nothing unachievable for a servant of cow.


The Brahma Vidya, which grants supreme bliss is compared to the Sun. Similarly the firmament, can be compared with an ocean and earth to Indra but the cow, which does unlimited welfare to hunamy, cannot be compared to anything cow is without any comparison. Indeed there is no other being like a cow, which does welfare to human beings.

Brihat parashara smriti says:

One who gives some water and grass to the cows for eating attains the result of performing a horse sacrifice there is no doubt in it.

Vishnu Dharmottara Purana says:

By arranging pasture land for cows, giving medical to treatment to the sick cows a person becomes free of fears and attains the result of a horse sacrifice .

Hundreds of milk men holding milk pitchers to milk the cowsand hundreds of their guardians dauce attendance on them. People, who wholly depend on cows, do realize real worth of a cow.

I wish always to keep cows in my view and that cow favors me. Cows are ours and we are for the cows. Let us be close the cows, wherever they stay.

Without giving a portion of our wealth in charity enjoyment of our wealth is merely eating sin To become free from this sin service to cows is the best, natural and easiest means.


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